Advanced Digital Montessori

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Advanced Digital Montessori

A Montessori at PPS is a 'Prepared Environment', where children are encouraged to explore, discover and be creative. The Montessori has order, beauty, accessibility and progressive material, filled with a variety of sequential learning materials.

The toys and materials are displayed in open shelves, in an order each with a drive and a special position. It is a place where the child can do things for himself, without the direct help of Teachers.

The Montessori classroom has a special environment where furniture and objects are suitably sized to suit children.

Independence is nurtured as Montessori material that comprehend a corrective attitude which make the child aware of his mistake, thus empowering self-correction and precision without adult direction. The work done by the child is thought-provoking and suitably difficult, capture's the child's interest and helps to focus. Material and trainings are calculated to perfect child's co-ordination.  It encourages the mind to take charge and consciously directs the body movements.


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